How Sharp Brains ERP Runs Warehouse Management on Cloud Database

Warehouse management is vital to supply chain operations, ensuring the seamless flow of goods and materials. 

As technology advances, warehouse management software(WMS) have evolved to meet the changing needs of modern businesses. 

One of the latest innovations in this field is cloud-based WMS software systems. In this article, we will delve into the world of cloud-based WMS, exploring its benefits, key features, and the types of businesses that can benefit from its implementation. 

We will also provide insights into choosing the right cloud-based warehouse management system, highlighting Sharp Brains ERP as a leading provider in the industry.

Understanding Cloud-Based warehouse management software(WMS)

Cloud computing revolutionised how organisations store, access, and manage data and applications. Cloud-based WMS software leverages this technology to offer businesses an efficient and scalable solution for managing their warehouse operations. Unlike traditional on-premise solutions, a cloud WMS system is hosted on remote servers. It can be securely accessed through a web browser. This eliminates the need for businesses to install or maintain software on their local servers and workstations.

Benefits of a Cloud-Based WMS

  1. More Affordable/Less Capital Outlay: Cloud-based WMS requires lower upfront costs than traditional on-premise solutions. Its pay-as-you-go model eliminates the need for expensive hardware and software investments, resulting in significant cost savings.
  2. Faster Implementation: Cloud-based WMS can be implemented quickly, enabling businesses to manage their warehouse operations within days or weeks rather than months or years. It eliminates the complexities of infrastructure setup and maintenance, such as operating systems and databases.
  3. Highly Scalable: Cloud WMS systems offer scalability, allowing businesses to adjust their system’s size as per their needs easily. This eliminates the need for expensive hardware and software upgrades whenever storage capacity needs to be increased.
  4. More User-Friendly: Cloud-based WMS software is designed to be user-friendly, eliminating specialised technical skills or knowledge requirements. This accessibility makes it suitable for many users, reducing the need for costly training programs.
  5. Greater Security: Cloud systems provide enhanced security compared to on-premise solutions, as data is stored in secure and reliable environments. This eliminates the risk of data breaches due to outdated hardware or software vulnerabilities.

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How  Cloud-Based Warehouse Management System Works 

Cloud-based WMS systems offer various features to manage warehouse operations efficiently. Some key features include:

  1. Inventory Management: Real-time visibility into inventory levels and locations simplifies stock management and tracking with warehouse inventory management software
  2. Order Management: Streamlined process for receiving, processing, and shipping orders, reducing errors and improving accuracy.
  3. Shipping and Receiving: Centralized management of shipping and receiving activities, including shipment tracking, order status updates, and returns.
  4. Real-Time Data Access: Access to real-time warehouse data, such as inventory levels, order statuses, and shipping information, enables informed supply chain planning decisions.
  5. Reporting and Analytics: Robust reporting and analytics tools help organisations gain insights into warehouse operations, enabling data-driven decisions regarding labour and products.

Additionally, best-of-breed warehouse inventory management software may offer features like labour management, yard management, warehouse space utilisation, and supply chain visibility, leading to better inventory control, operational efficiency, and reduced costs.

Who needs this 

 1. Third-Party Logistics Providers (3PLs)

Cloud-based WMS software empowers 3PLs to manage their customers’ inventory better. Real-time access to order and product information enables them to respond to changing demands and reduce transit times quickly.

2. Retailers

Cloud-based WMS system helps retailers streamline their supply chain operations and reduce inventory management costs. Real-time tracking and visibility into product data enable informed decision-making, resulting in improved customer service and increased profitability.

3. Businesses with Multiple Warehouses

Companies operating multiple warehouses can benefit from cloud-based WMS by consolidating warehouse data into a single source. This improves visibility and decision-making across all locations, reducing costs and enhancing customer service.

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Choosing the Right Cloud-Based Warehouse Management System

When selecting a cloud-based warehouse management system, consider the following factors:

  1. Functionality: Ensure the system offers the features and capabilities required for effective warehouse operations management.
  2. Integration: Evaluate how the WMS integrates with other systems like ERP or accounting software to ensure seamless information flow.
  3. Cost: Assess the total cost of ownership, including upfront costs, ongoing fees, and any additional expenses for customisations or integrations.
  4. Vendor Reputation: Look for a reputable vendor with a proven track record of delivering high-quality WMS solutions.
  5. Customer Support: Ensure the WMS vendor provides comprehensive customer support and training to maximise system benefits.
  6. Security: Verify that the WMS vendor implements robust security measures to safeguard your data and information.

Sharp Brains ERP: A Leading Provider of Cloud-Based Warehouse Management Software

Sharp Brains ERP provide leading cloud-based warehouse management software. Their WMS offers real-time inventory tracking, streamlined order management, automated shipping and receiving, customisable dashboards, and mobile access. It improves efficiency, accuracy, and collaboration while integrating with other warehouse software systems. Sharp Brains ERP ensure strong customer support and security for effective warehouse operations.


Cloud-based warehouse inventory management software provides businesses with cost-effective, scalable, and user-friendly solutions for managing warehouse operations. The benefits of cloud WMS include affordability, faster implementation, scalability, user-friendliness, and enhanced security.

Key features such as inventory management, order management, shipping and receiving, real-time data access, and reporting and analytics contribute to efficient warehouse operations. Businesses in various industries, including distribution centres, 3PLs, retailers, and those with multiple warehouses, can benefit from implementing cloud-based WMS.

When selecting a cloud-based warehouse management system, consider factors such as functionality, integration capabilities, cost, vendor reputation, customer support, and security. Sharp Brains ERP emerges as a leading provider of cloud-based WMS, offering a comprehensive solution with key features, mobile accessibility, and integrations with other warehouse software systems.


What is a cloud-based warehouse management system?

A: A cloud-based warehouse management system (WMS) is a software solution that leverages cloud computing technology to manage and control warehouse operations. Unlike traditional on-premise systems, a cloud-based WMS is hosted on remote servers and accessed through a web browser. It gives businesses real-time visibility, automation, and optimisation of key processes such as inventory management, order fulfilment, shipping and receiving, and data analytics.

Q: How do you implement a warehouse management system?

A: Implementing a warehouse management system involves several key steps:

Assess Your Requirements: Understand your business needs, warehouse processes, and operational goals. Identify the specific functionalities and features you require in a WMS.

Select a WMS Provider: Research and evaluate different WMS providers based on their reputation, experience, features, scalability, and customer support. Choose a provider that aligns with your business requirements.

Customisation and Configuration: Work with the WMS provider to customise the system according to your needs. Configure settings, workflows, user roles, and any integrations with existing systems like ERP or accounting software.

Data Migration: If transitioning from an existing system, ensure a smooth data transfer to the new WMS. Migrate relevant data such as product information, inventory levels, customer details, and historical records.

Training and Testing: Train your staff on how to use the new WMS effectively. Conduct thorough testing to ensure the system functions correctly and all processes are streamlined.

Go-Live and Post-Implementation Support: Launch the WMS and monitor its performance. Provide ongoing support and address any issues or challenges arising during the initial implementation stages.

Q: Can SAP be used for warehouse management?

A: Yes, SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products) offers a comprehensive suite of software solutions that includes warehouse management functionality. SAP Warehouse Management (SAP WM) is a module within SAP’s ERP system that specifically focuses on managing warehouse processes and operations. It provides features such as inventory tracking, goods receipt and issue, stock movements, order picking, and warehouse optimisation. SAP WM can be customised to fit the specific needs of different industries and businesses, making it a viable option for warehouse management.

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